
Showing posts from 2024

Yorkshire Dales

  Thursday 13th June We started our holiday today by travelling to Stafford where we stayed in a holiday inn. The journey this far has been wet with some very heavy downpours. Friday 14th June We continued our journey today to Ingleton in much better weather. It was possible to view and enjoy the scenery. Arriving at our destination, we checked it out and then went and found the local grocery store to stock up for the week. Saturday 15th June Today was a complete wash out especially in the afternoon. We did walk to the visitors center and find the local coffee shop in the morning and explore the street. The coffee and cake were excellent.  Sunday 16th June Another very wet morning but the afternoon looked promising.  We popped out for another coffee before having an early lunch. We explored the village and all the back roads in the afternoon.  The Ingleton viaduct is grade II listed and was built between 1846 - 1849. It has eleven arches and spans the River Grete. While out we saw one

Voyage Award (2024)

Having finished the Trefoil 'Stars Award' I have decided to partake in the bronze 'Voyage' award. The award consists of  five sections, Service, Explore my world, Myself, Teamwork and Skills. I am going to start with  Explore my world and Teamwork. Explore my World - Walk the Suffolk Coastal Footpath The Suffolk Coastal Path covers an area of sixty miles. Although I enjoy walking I am not able to walk more than three to four miles at any one time. By splitting the walk into small chunks I hope to cover the distance by doing twenty separate walks. My first walk will be from Landguard Point in Felixstowe. Landguard Point - Cobbold Point  (Monday 4th March - 3.3 miles. Route taken along the sea front. Time taken 1.35hrs + 30mins walking to starting point). Today is perfect for walking. Light cloud with sunshine and no wind. It is 9.55 and I am about to start my walk from Landguard Point. The Point, one of the driest places in Britain, contains a 33 acre Nature Reserve of v