Skills - Writing a Blog

 Tuesday 1st October

A blog is a regular updated web page usually run by an individual or a small group, that is informal.

I went through numerous sites on the internet, and Google Blogger seemed the most simplest to use. I went into Google Blog and purchased an address for my site, (£12 per year) and named my site Nature through the Eyes of my Camera.

For my Voyage Award Blog I have made an entry each time I have completed part of a challenge. I have illustrated some of my work with photos, particularly the Explore my World section. Each one of these entries has taken anything between 1 - 2 hours to publish depending on how far I walked and how many photos I took. Each photo had to be downloaded from the camera, changed from a NEF file to a JPEG file and edited. These were then added to the blog.

How to add a Blogger Index

Go to Google Drive on line and open a new blank Google document. Name it Index and then start adding new entries. (keep this document open).

(in a new tab) Open-up Blogger Post. Open page to be added to index. Copy the title (left hand side of page, at the top)

Go back to Index File (in Google drive) and post title at the top of the page then highlight it.

Go to your online blog (Nature Through the Eyes of my Camera) and go to the web address and highlight and copy.

Return to the Index File. Press control K over highlighted title. A box will appear - post link here (control V).

Press apply - then update.

Repeat this for any other pages to be added.

When you have finished adding work to the Index highlight the whole page (control A followed by control C the index.

Go back to Blogger Post and PAGES (left hand column), open this.

Open ALL POSTS. Click on page and control A to highlight everything. Then go control V to post in the new entry.


How to add Return to Index, Previous and Next Buttons

Go to the bottom of your post and add Previous, Return to Index, and Next. (leave this page open)

Open a new tab and select your Blog. Go to the top of the page and go to Index to all posts,  and open. 

Copy the web address from the address bar.

Go back to  post edit and highlight Return to Index. Press control K and paste link into box.


Previous Button

Go back to your Blog and open the previous blog that you wrote. 

Copy the address from the address bar.

Go back to post edit  and highlight Previous. Press control K and post link into box.


Next Button

Go back to your Blog and open the next article that you wrote.

Copy the address from the address bar.

G0 back to post edit and highlight the next button. Press control K and post link into the box.


Besides adding the previous, next and a blogger index buttons to my Voyage award I have also added them to the rest of my blog. Although I didn't do my walks in order I have arranged them in order in my blog so that it follows in sequence. This makes for a better read. I have added labels to help others when searching my blog.

Previous                  Return to Index                     Next
