Warm Hub & Light Lunch - February

 Monday 12th February

16 lunches were served today. People continue to enjoy being able to socialize and enjoy the lunches.
All lunches were prepared and cooked on the stove rather than using the microwave. This proved far more efficient. A cake was provided by one of the ladies attending the sessions which was much appreciated.

Items bought
2 cans soup, 1 dozen rolls, medium white cut loaf, eggs, milk, cakes.

Monday 26th February
Sixteen people sat down for lunch. Most people are arriving for a 12.00pm lunch although one or two ladies arrived soon after 11.00am for coffee and a chat.
All attendees are becoming well acquainted with each other and now move tables around so they can all sit together.
Scrambles egg and toast and coriander soup were popular this week, as was the chocolate cake.

As we near the end of the sessions we have decided to make apple crumble with custard instead of having cake for the next two weeks.

Items bought
Cut loaf, rolls, soups, cake, milk, eggs.

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