Warm Hub & Light Lunch - January

 Monday 22nd January was our starting date. We opened at 11.00am. At 11.30am people began to arrive. All were greeted with a hot drink and a biscuit and introductions were made.  In all 14 lunches were served. Forms were given to all those present asking for their thoughts on the morning. The feed back was very positive and all said they would be coming again. New friendships were made during the morning.

The menu for the day was: soup with a roll, beans on toast or scrambled egg on toast ,followed by cake and a drink.

The kitchen was set out in a way that made it easy to work, with each person having their own working area. All cooking (except scrambled eggs) was done in the microwave. Toast was soon cooked in a newly purchased toaster.
All plates and bowls were kept warm in the oven.
Non cooked food was away from the cooked food area.

Review of the session
Plates and bowls to go in the oven earlier as the first two out were not warm enough.
To make sure temperature on the toaster is correctly set so as not to burn it.
Remove cakes and bread to a table in side room so toaster and kettle can be moved further away from the sink where washing up is done.
Kettles can be filled from hand washing sink.

Items Purchased
20 soup bowls, 3 tea clothes, 1 whisk, 20 tins Heinz soup (varied) 6 400g tins baked beans, 30 soft rolls,
1 medium white loaf, 2 cakes, large packet biscuits, coffee, tea, sugar, milk, 1 home made sponge, 1 dozen eggs, 2 glass bowls, 2jugs.

Monday 29th January
14 lunches were served again today. The community spirit was good and all said they enjoyed the meal provided.

A few changes were made in the kitchen creating more work space. A small table was used to put cutlery, cakes and rolls on, plus some plates and bowls.
The toaster and kettles were moved away from the sink end allowing more room for soiled crockery and movement.
The cooker was used instead of the microwave and this proved more practical.

Items purchased
Scourers, dishcloths, 10 Heinz soups (various) Dettol multi purpose cleaner, nail brushes.
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