Yorkshire Dales


Thursday 13th June

We started our holiday today by travelling to Stafford where we stayed in a holiday inn. The journey this far has been wet with some very heavy downpours.

Friday 14th June

We continued our journey today to Ingleton in much better weather. It was possible to view and enjoy the scenery. Arriving at our destination, we checked it out and then went and found the local grocery store to stock up for the week.

Saturday 15th June

Today was a complete wash out especially in the afternoon. We did walk to the visitors center and find the local coffee shop in the morning and explore the street. The coffee and cake were excellent. 

Sunday 16th June

Another very wet morning but the afternoon looked promising.  We popped out for another coffee before having an early lunch. We explored the village and all the back roads in the afternoon.  The Ingleton viaduct is grade II listed and was built between 1846 - 1849. It has eleven arches and spans the River Grete.

While out we saw one of the Yorkshire Tractor runs. There were tractors of all ages and in various colours. In all there must have been around 30 - 40 tractors. We also passed the local outdoor heated swimming pool.

We arrived back home in time to get cosy to watch England in the European football championships.

Monday 17th June

As today was still wet we went to visit a small town called Kirkby Lonsdale which sits above the River Lune between the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales. Due to an absolute downpour we took shelter at the visitors center where we watched some videos about the town, its people and the history. They gave us an insight into what to look for when the rain stopped. It was nearly lunch time when we left the center so we found a restaurant, No 44, where we had a lovely meal served by very friendly staff. By the time we left the sky was looking brighter and the rain had stopped. 

The Market Square

This was not the original market square and was only moved here in 1823 when the one in Swinemarket became too crowded. This particular market now has spaces for cars to park all around it, spoiling what would be a great view of the market and the surrounding buildings.

An obelisk in the church yard commemorates the deaths of five young maidservants who died in a fire at the Rose and Crown in 1860. The inn was completely burned to the ground and all who were in the inn survived except the maidservants who were believed to have been trapped in an attic.

Inside the church there are many stained glass windows and some very unusual pillars.

Walking to the far side of the church yard it is possible to see "Ruskin's View."  Ruskin was an artist, scientist, social reformer and an early environmentalist and conservationist. This view was originally know as "Turner's View" after sketches were made by him in 1816. 

Leaving Kirkby Lonsdale we headed east to Devil's Bridge. It is a magnificent bridge with three arches dating from the 12th -13th century. It is now classed as a scheduled ancient monument. The River Lune flows under the bridge. From here we headed home before more rain fell.

Tuesday 18th June

The weather is good, no coats needed and we are off to Hawes to visit Wensleydale. On our way we stopped to view the Ribblesdale viaduct. It carried trains from Settle to Carlisle. It has 24 arches and stands 104 feet above the ground at its highest point. It crosses Betty Moss so is sometimes called the Betty Moss line.

Two wild flowers that caught my eye near the viaduct were large thyme and a common stinging nettle which stood out because of it purple flower rather than grey flowers.

A tumble down cottage caught my eye as we were driving towards Hawes. It wasn't the first I had seen but the only one that I had been able to stop and take a photo. I was curious as to who would live in such a remote place and whether it had been left empty and abandon because of its location.

On arriving at Hawes we booked a tour of the Wensleydale creamery so we could see how the cheese was made and to be able to taste the final product.  Cheese making in the area dates back to the 1150 when Cistercian monks settled in the Wensleydale bringing their local recipes with them. The recipes have been passed down over the years and now 20 different cheeses are made including the much coveted Wensleydale.  All the cheeses are made from milk from the local farmers in the area .

We arrived back home in Ingleton just before the heavens opened. 

Wednesday 19th June

It's a cool start to the morning, but no rain is forecast which is good as we are planning on walking the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail. It will be a challenge but one I am sure we will enjoy. The walk starts as we go through a gate and then catch sight of the South Craven Fault where the River Twist runs.

We continue to follow the path as it gently rises passing a money tree. I take a few shots of the foliage growing from cliff walls and a tree whose roots are spread across the ground making it difficult to get round. 

It is a further 1km before reaching Manor Bridge. I take a few shots then make my way to firmer ground while I wait for Laurence.

Having crossed Manor Bridge we continued to walk, gradually uphill until arriving at Pecca Bridge. I took a photo before crossing the bridge but I didn't stop to take images at this bridge instead making my way across and again waiting for Laurence to catch up.  The first water fall after Pecca Bridge was Pecca Falls. There are five falls which form three groups, the lower, middle and upper. Together they drop 30 metres.

Pecca Bridge

Twin Falls

Hollybush Spout

Twin Falls

After climbing the steps and passing through a gate, the Pecca Falls gorge is replaced by a much wider valley. From here there is a long up hill climb before reaching Thornton Force.

Thornton Force falls 14 metres into its plunge pool.

Thorton Force Fall

From Thornton Falls the River Twist and its valley cut through the Raven Ray moraine taking us to our highest point before starting to descent.

Raven Ray moraine

Our descent is gradual as we pass through Twistleton Scars, a series of scars and terraces giving the appearance of steps. These were formed as water cut into the limestone. We stopped here for a rest and to admire the view below us.

Twistleton Scars

Beazley Falls include three waterfalls forming the Triple Spout, and two waterfalls of Rival Falls separated by the Black Hole, a plunge pool supposedly over 25 metres deep.

Triple Spout

River Falls

We continue our walk which is now becoming harder as the terrain becomes steeper and our energy begins to wain. We pass one of the slate quarries which lay near the Rive Doe.

We continue along the path to Snow Falls. 

Snow Falls

The journey down from here seemed long and slow back to Ingleton, but the stop at the local cafe, 'The Village Kitchen' was very welcome. Drinks, rolls and cakes gave us the energy to make our way back to the starting point and a much enjoyed ice-cream.

After ten years we were glad we tackled the water fall walk again. It was very enjoyable but very strenuous. Our images will be our reminder of the falls for the future.

Thursday 20th June

A gentle amble today along the Ingleborough nature trail to the caves. The trail starts at the Old Saw Mill cafe. It is a listed building and beautifully preserved with many artifacts to be admired. The trail is 1.3 miles of woodland before arriving at the cave entrance. Alfred Wainwright described the trail as, 'The finest of all, a classis.' A diversion from the main trail took us to a man made lake.

Having admired the lake we continue with our walk passing the money tree and the rhododendron section before reaching 'The Grotto' better known as Aunt Bessies Grotto.  The grotto was built in the early 19th century and became a favourite place for Elizabeth Farrer of Ingleborough Hall to take afternoon tea which her butler would bring from the house on a tray. It was after this it was named Aunt Bessies Grotto. The views from the grotto were quite spectacular.

Aunt Bessies Grotto

Just a little further on we came to Ingleborough caves. These were first discovered in 1837 by Victorian explorers who drained away a lake and discovered unexplored caves and passages going under Ingleborough mountain.  Today with hard hats in place people can wander through the caves to see stalactites, stalagmites and flowstones. The caves are well lit and easily accessible.

Ingleborough Caves

Having viewed the caves we wandered back the way we had come heading for the sawmill cafe. We were not disappointed. The food was good and the cakes we took home with us were tasty.

A Dryad Saddle spotted on our return walk.

Too soon our week had ended. We had a great time, took lots of photos. met some lovely people and had a very relaxing stay.
