Walking the Suffolk Coastal Path - Sizewell - Dunwich Heath - (Walk 12)

(Tuesday 21st May. Distance 1.5miles plus 1.5miles back. Route taken: Coastal and heath. Time Taken 1.50 minutes)

It had been a while since my last walk and I was really looking forward to doing another stretch. As there wasn't any parking where I finished last time I started my walk from Dunwich Heath and walked back towards Sizewell. I walked this stretch with my husband and we hoped to walk to Sizewell and back before any rain set in.

Leaving the coast guard cottages we headed for the coastal path. The waves could be heard crashing down on the shingle and the many birds could be seen and heard flitting from the shrubs and bushes. The day was warm and it was a joy to be walking among the wonders of nature. 

It wasn't long before we were on familiar territory as we walked along the outskirts of Minsmere Nature Reserve.  The raucous call of the gulls and the cry of the common terns was unmistakable, all squabbling over territory.  I was surprised to find a large, perfect parasol fungi in the grass, it's shape perfect.

While I had been walking I was struck by the amazing variation of greens there were. It is a positive colour that gives a feeling of freshness, positivity and peace due to its connection with nature. I felt relaxed and at peace in my surroundings.

There was beauty in the flowers as well. Yellow tree lupins stood tall and proud among the grasses.  Thrift, or Cliff Clover grew in low clumps with long stems supporting orbs of bright pink flowers,

and White Stonecrop formed a mat of dense foliage with tiny clusters of star shaped white flowers ready to burst into bloom, attracting a variety of butterflies and insects.

Butterflies and insects were making the most of the warm sunshine, collecting nectar from a variety of flowers.

Holly Blue


Ahead I could see Sizewell power station looming through the mist. With so much beauty all around me the walk had seemed over all too soon. However, I did have the bonus as I retraced my steps back to the coastguard cottages.

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